HMPV virus outbreak threatens whole world lets know about it

I really do not want to make you tense. Just want to say the things which are going around the world. I think most of the people have heard the news of HMPV (Human metapneumovirus) which is spreading all over China. Hospitals filled with these cases. But China states it just a simple flew. Alos I have seen a post which states hospitals and cemeteries are filled with multiple viruses, HMPV. But we need to know the truth. We are here to give the exact information about the situation and display the truths regarding this. Does lockdown occur again to world? Are we going to see covid-19 situations again? Let us get the perfect answer.

HMPV outbreak reference image.

China on HPMV outbreak:

On December 31st China government has organized a present and stated that this virus seen in China is not deadly. Anyone need not to worried. But we cannot believe their words. As they stated that they exceeded expectations during the covid-19 protection. It is a comedy thing for me. The words which they stated know do not be afraid, these same words stated by China during covid-19. But we have seen the deadliest pandemic in our lives.

China has the worst mind set, even if their county gets collapsed but other countries also need to suffer. We have seen this during covid-19. As they were deaths, and they know seriousness of the covid-19. They have just mentioned covid-19 is a simple thing and no need to think of them. But we have seen the consequences. Even after knowing the spread, they have sent and accepted tourists into their country which made covid spread widely.

What is HMPV:

Human metapneumovirus is not a new virus. This virus found in 2001 at first in Netherlands. HMPV is a bird to human transmitted virus. The shocking and scariest thing regarding this is. The widespread about the outbreak in China. I may not sure about cemeteries, but hospitals filled with patients which are related to HMPV cases.

The most affected people are children under 10years and people above 60+ are more affected and danger for them. Other people also need to be careful. Because we do not know about our immune system. If the immune system is good, then all can survive from the virus.

Symptoms of HMPV:

This virus is the same as fever and cold. Running nose, headache, sore throat, coughing. These symptoms make transmission easy. As we know how the covid transmitted this also transmit same.

People with symptoms suggested to mask and quarantine. But hopefully no cases registered in India.

India stands on this:

Indian union health minister has stated that we as whole India is well equipped to stand against the outbreak and protect our people. They assured that 2020 situations not going to repeat once again in India. Indian health minister also stated their no such cases registered regarding this virus. So, Indians need not to panic regarding this.

Kerala health minister has stated this virus seen over the last 20 years. Some people come with this virus in Kerala sometimes. And regular cold and cough treatment is enough for it.

Gautam Menon Dean research at Ashoka University. He stated winter season is usually affected with respiratory infections. And stated 5 to 10 percent of all respiratory cases during every winter are HMPV.


Students who are thinking of holidays to schools and colleges. And employees who are thinking WFH. This is not going to happen. This is not so serious as covid, but we need to take care of ourselves and be loved once during every flu season.

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