Digital frauds in India:
The most happening digital frauds in India in recent times is digital arrest. Even Indian prime minister itself advised whole India to be safe from digital arrest scams. This fraud is has become popular in India. Mostly educated persons have defrauded. CEO of company, Major general, scientist and many more people. Now let us discuss how does the fraud starts and goes on with clear explanations.
What is digital arrest:
It is just a new fraud started around India. Here the scamsters are using the word digital arrest. According to them, digital arrest means a type of house arrest in front of video call of police. They resist them from moving out of video call camera. No such term called digital arrest in our Indian constitution.
Even our beloved prime minister of India has raised his voice in recent Man ki bat about the digital arrest frauds. Let us know about how the fraud goes on.
Digital arrest Scam explained:
First from nowhere you get a call saying he is from TRAI. TRAI is telecom regulatory authority of India. Scamsters call us from toll free numbers to make it feel real. They just deliver the message that they are going to disconnect your mobile number from the network. TRAI has all the rights to do it when there is suspicious usage of mobile numbers.
Getting into context the person who called says if you want further information contact our supervisor. Then the supervisor scamster comes into picture. He just randomly said that your number has been involved in some illegal case. Sometimes the situation he created can be related to you. Most of the time it may not. We just need to be confident on us during such types of calls.
After some minutes of discussion regarding the case he slowly says that he wanted to help you out. He says that he connects you with the investigating officer. Where the case can be solved in phone call. I do not know which type of cases can be solved in phone calls. Mostly unofficial once.
Fake investigation:
Then the investigating officer comes into the picture. Saying that your name involved in illegal activities. It may be money laundering, drugs it may be anything. They just use some random activity just to make you anxiety.
When you try to say that you are guilty then he says let us record your statement in video call. Magistrate must be presented when a statement is recorded from the accused. Not even only police can record the statement. If they do so, it cannot be considered as evidence in a court of law.
After recording the statement here will be the mind-blowing fraud scene. They said that you have digital arrested until your produced in court. Which means, the person must be present in video call until they say. Throughout the time he must be present in front of the camera and should not meet anyone else.

After making them panic by house arresting remotely. Now scamsters say that we can have online court sessions. Where all the lawyers and judges will be available in online mode.
Here comes the mind-blowing twist. The judges present over there will be the ones who we can see in real courts. They use deep fake of those judges. They declare a verdict to pay some amount of cash to different people. The comedy thing is that judgement comes to you in WhatsApp. But the innocent people in fear are sending the money as per judgement considering the judge is real.
This is the whole scenario of digital arrest fraud and how it goes on.
Beware of scams:
So, my dear people please beware of such types of frauds. Not only this one, but there are also many others. I am sure we will bring all frauds explained here which can escape some people from scamsters. Scammers are looting some crores of rupees every year.
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