Atul case gives powerful message to courts on false cases

This ATM is permanently closed. Son when I first saw you, I thought that I could give my life for you every day. But sadly, I am giving my life because of you. I do not even remember your face now. Till I see pictures of you 1 year old. I do not feel anything about you now except a tinge of pain sometimes. Now, you just feel like an extortion using to extort me more and more. Though it would hurt you, the truth is that now you feel like a mistake I made. These were words of a dad who extorted in the name of son and false cases against him by ex-wife. The words are tragic and heavy. Atul Subhash a complex case, men rights need to discussed.

Who is Atul Subhash:

Atul Subhash an AI techie working in Bengaluru. On December 8th morning near Manjunath layout ended his life leaving twenty-four pages of suicide and one ½ hr. video. Atul stated reason for his death is his wife, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law.

He proved all documents against them regarding the false cases which they had registered on him. He also mentioned every section which they misused on him. Atul Subhash was not able bare the harassment on him and his family. Atul extorted with money and no mental peace left for their family too.

He also stated that he cannot take the thing that his parents are suffering. Atul specifically mentioned the reason for death that he could not bear to see his parents suffer because of him. He was not suffering from them but indirectly due to his marriage they have suffered a lot.

His wife also charged him against the murder attempt case on her father. As per medical reports her father had died through medical complications. All the sections and laws which made to protect women have used on him to suffer.

They were demanding alimony of two lakhs per month. From that one lakh for his 3-year-old baby. At the age of three they were only demanding one lakh, what if in the future. They will extort him fully.  His wife Nisha had also forced Atul for money to her brother’s business. He gave him money for business because he had no way.

Courts are also part of the game in Atul case:

Atul lives in Bengaluru. His wife has charged him in Jaunpur court in UP. He used to travel to Bengaluru to court monthly 4 to 5 times. Along with him his parents used to attend the court proceedings. During court proceedings he gave alimony of 80K rupees to his wife for survival. But they needed more from him.

During the hearings he stated with grief to judge that many men died due to false acquisitions on them. His wife commented “why don’t you die then?” For this brutal statement, the honorable court judge laughed. These words stated by Atul. Isn’t she educated? Isn’t she being a position of judge in an honorable court? Doesn’t she have any senses and morals? Isn’t she a mother? He stated Judge behavior is also the reason of his suicide.

The judge called him private and demanded a bribe to solve the case. But he pleaded that they extorted him for more than lakhs. He asked her to listen on merit bases and give the verdict. But she demanded a bribe of 5 lakhs, threatening that otherwise, your entire life would spent roaming to courts. As a judge she is getting respect on courts.

He got extorted by them in crores and now again demanded five crores as alimony. They know where to press him to get money. They used his child as extortion to get money. He also mentioned his suicide note starting with “This ATM is permanently closed.”

He is mentally dead:

Atul case alternative pic

Atul Subhash married to Nisha Singhania. As resembles for their love of marriage they a son. But during the disputes of divorce this lady Nisha Singhania accused Atul had done unnatural sex with her. She kept case on him mentioning this.

They married and good at first and had their beautiful son as a sign of their love. But this brutal minded lady kept unnatural sex case. How could a person be able to take these types of false allegations on him?

He had given Lakhs of rupees as alimony to his wife and son. But his pain was seen in the video for taking his money and using it against him and his family. His money is used as bribes for lawyers, courts and, they are enjoying his blood.

Criminals only poses cruel mindset:

Nisha, her mother, and her brother have escaped from their house after Atul Subhash death and case against them. They have a such criminal mindset to escape from police. She and son were at one place and her mother and brother reached another place to hide. But all the time they were in contact with each other. To get rid of tracking they used WhatsApp calls. WhatsApp calls are ended to end encrypted so no one can track it.

But fortunately, Nisha by mistake called her relative through normal call. The call was only 2 seconds, but it was enough for police to get to her location. They caught her and called her mother to get her location. Police produced them in court of remand.

Men also need equal rights:

I accept in the world of people always women are more suffered in any place. Laws must designed to help women to save their lives. From past many years we have seen many ladies are suffered in marriages and in other conditions. For them, these women sections are helpful.

But there will be two sides of a coin. There are some cases where women casually use IPC 498a which is dowry harassment. To get a faster divorce or to get sympathy they are been using such sections against innocent men.

This IPC 498a introduced 40 years ago. But unfortunately, the registered count of misuse of these sections can be counted on our fingers. If a person makes false allegations then Section 211 will apply for those false allegations.

But there are less women who charged for section 211 for these types of cases. Judges are feared to use these cases because there will be women rights, and commission starts making it as a big issue.

Just think of a woman in the place of Atul Subhash, would India react in same manner. All cities going to filled with candle marches. Parliament will questioned for such cases. The India would be burning under this topic.

There are some judges in recent times who opposed high alimonies. As the husband has high salary then he should give more than 50% of his salary were the demands of some women. But most of the courts appeared in news have scolded women. They also mentioned if they want luxurious life they must earn. Alimony every month is only to fill up basic needs.

Such a type of judge was not present in Atul’s case. A hope from judiciary system would made him alive for his parents and son. Justice for him.

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