Web 3.0 remarkable effect on the future life.


Web 3.0 is an emerging technology in the present world, the main aim of web 3.0 is to make
the internet faster. It is a centralized application state or web server where the logic
runs on the back end. There is blockchain technology which builds apps for users as they
want only with the commands. State machine is maintained anonymously in the back end of
the web.

Special communication in web 3.0:

Interaction between people is encrypted and coded into blockchain technology for most
secure network. The people who want to communicate can do it anonymously. Users can use
blockchain technology to understand the market while maintaining their privacy.

The architecture of Web 3.0:

Ethereum blockchain:

There is the most accessible blockchain technology throughout the world. This blockchain
state machines are maintained by peer-to-peer networks, making them the most secure system.
Ethereum company is not owned by the entity it is owned by everyone who is in the network.
Every user now uses the Ethereum blockchain to write their blockchain system. User can
never update the already existing data in the blockchain technology.

Smart Contracts:

Etherum program defines back end logic of the Contracts and blockchain system.
Ethereum Virtual Machine:
EVM run every logic of the smart contracts. Here the front end defines the logic of the UI.
This UI connects the smart contracts and application logic.
Advantages of Web 3.0:
Compared to web 2.0 web 3.0 is more intelligent, secure and transparent. Most efficient
browser has the best machine-human interaction. It is named for machine-human

Data privacy and control:

Browsers must be more secured. Every human life is dependent on internet. Most people do
money transactions. Bank details must be secure in these cases. In this case, web 3.0 is the
most secure web server.

The end user will get the most advantage of data encryption which protects their information
from any other third person. Encryption is the key to protecting data or messages. WhatsApp
messages are end-to-end encrypted. Only both end users with the encryption code can only
access the messages.

This encryption will be unbreakable in the given circumstances. Google and Apple take the
user’s search information. This data is used for providing ads on all social media platforms.
These things are impossible in web 3.0. Every user of the browser owns their data. Without
user permission organization cannot access data.

Seamless services:

Data stored in web 3.0 is decentralized this will ensure the data will be accessible to every
user under circumstances. For good services users get multiple backups to keep the data safe.
Any government has no authority to stop services of web 3. With the system account,
suspension and denial of distributed services will be reduced.


Users can use blockchain system to track the data with predefined code written back end.
Majority of the blockchain technologies are open source to open design and development

Open access to data:

User’s data will be able to access from anywhere and any device in this world. Web 3.0
expands the interaction to good information flows to trusted sources.

Restrictions Platform:

Blockchain technology is accessible to all users. User can create own addresses with the
blockchain network. User cannot be restricted on this blockchain network at any reason.

Single Profile creation:

A single profile is enough to work in platform over the web 3.0. User need to complete the
ownership of given provided information by the web.
Without permission of the user any organization cannot verify users data. User has the
permission to share profile and sell data to advertise in the services.

Data enhancement:

Web 3.0 is most beneficial for the problem solving and intensive knowledge creation tasks.
It uses artificial intelligence to categorize the information from the total quantity of

Disadvantages of Web 3.0:

There are disadvantages with the implementation of the web 3.0 over the network.
Advanced devices:
Web 3.0 requires advanced devices to run network. The features of devices will
need to be extended to make the technology reachable to more people. In the present scenario
only limited people will be access for people over the world.

Web 1.0 shutdown:

As web 3.0 is full-fledged in the market on the internet, the websites which are running under
web 1.0 will be stop. Their will be no website running under web 1.0. The cold technology
which used those days are not able to update the features matches the new one.

Not able widespread adoption:

As we know web 3.0 is more intelligent, efficient and accessible. The web 3 technology is
not ready for the widespread technology over the world. More work is needed to make this
widespread over the world.

Reputation management:

The easy availability of a users information who are using web 3.0. Every company in
websites are maintaining their names, reputation and keep their images in online. Companies
also helps customers to know about the market of those companies. This reputation market is
going to be the most critical for companies to sustain in new market.

Complicated functionality:

Web 3.0 is most difficult technology to understand by every person around the world. The
new one is the combination of old generation web tools and also many new technologies.
Interconnection between the user and internet is more interactive. The new advanced devices
are able to handle the total web 3 technology.

Search engine based on AI:

The new web 3.0 will became an increasingly demand for humans, the digital searches in the
web are far more intelligent than before all the web services. Every search is related with the
blockchain technology and AI. This helps in best interaction with the web and user.

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Less reliance:

Web 3.0 make the internet a diverse source so hackers leaks avoided. Due to making of
tokenized digital assets there is the possibility of users owning their own personal data. Users
data will be more secure than before web technologies.
Web 3.0 is the most user friendly web. This is mostly prioritize about the customization
of every user. Motivates the users to use the web more.

Importance of Web 3.0 in future:
Web 3.0 is a system rather than website for user, this has been designed by users form of
creator driven platforms.

Peer-to-peer connectivity:

The connections between members, organizations will remain in line with more adaptive
peer-to-peer interaction. This type of peer-to-peer connection between humans, businesses
and machines will be able to share more data between people or organization. Also they
ensure the data privacy of the users. Peer-to-peer communication gives the best privacy and
security for the user.

Web 3.0 with real time examples:Apple’s siri:

Voice recognition software is the key component of web 3.0, as we see the apple’s siri as the best voice recognition software. Using this technology all other assistant services are communicating and sharing the information to the users. This software has improved helpful search for every query asked by the user. Some simple tasks like, reminders, directions to the nearest places are with the pre-programmed algorithms in the software.

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