We may hear the news that Syria is in great trouble and their president left the country. Anti- National groups has taken over the control of them with help of great power. Let us know about the geopolitical game happening in Syria by different countries.
Deep dive into the Syria issue:
Syria is not just a country which we see in a world map. Geo politically Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon are is neighbours. But the real map of it changing from many years. Damascus the capital of Syria and its surrounding regions are in control of Syrian government. Other parts are occupied by many powers. Some countries and rebel forces have occupied Syria.
A terrorist group has occupied some part of Syria. Abu Mohamad al Julani is the head of Tahir al sham was declared as terrorist by USA in the past. But now USA stated him as rebel leader and king.
Why America playing double game:
The former president of Syria because he has run away. Bashar Al Asad is a pro-Russian and pro Iraq. Pro-Russian means he supports Russia.
We all know Russia and USA are forever enemies. USA also wants upper hand than Russia. Russian army backs Syria to fight against USA supported countries. USA’s direction has been executed in the destroy of Syrian government.
Turkey has made many groups in northern Syria which made them easy to occupy. This made president to ran away. From the southern part Israel has occupying it. President of Israel himself stated that he is breaking the agreement between then because there is no government present over there.
All the rebel groups which occupying Syria are just working for the money. Turkey is funding all these rebel and terrorist groups. A thing which needs to notice is. Turkey is funded by “America”.

Why turkey helping USA:
We all know turkey is an Islamic country, but turkey is supporting USA. USA is an ultimate power where all countries need them. The needs and wants of Turkey making them to obey the words of USA and Turkey is NATO member. Whereas NATO members need to agree with all countries. Otherwise, there will be no funding.
USA is happy for occupying Syria because the terrorist group Hamas gets weak. Hamas is an Anti-USA organization to destroy them. Russian army bases present in Syria will be collapse. This makes USA control over them and attack any terrorist groups they want to eliminate.
Why Israel interested in Syria:
There are decades of rivalry between Iran and Israel. Air strikes and other types of attacks were happening daily. Iran has using Lebanon for their attacks. Which makes Israel difficult to react. These Iran, Syria and Lebanon are Russia funded countries.
Without direct attacking Israel, Iran used to transport weapons to Lebanon. This transportation is only done through Syria. All these are done secretly. This weapons exchange makes easy attack on Israel from two sides.
If Israel occupies the southern part of Syria there will be no weapons exchange between them. Israel gets upper hand on Iran. Also, the promising land of Israel is under them. Due to these attacks, they can get their land back.
USA master stroke to Russia:
As all world was saying Joe Bidden is not a good leader to sit in America’s president position. But the master stroke in Syria was a brilliant move by him. He had demolished a Russian powered country at the right time.
Russia is busy with Ukraine, and this is the correct time to demolish Russia supported countries. That is the reasons Türkiye and Israel have occupied Syria. This domination also made cut the direct connection between Lebanon and Iran.
And USA has easy access to Syria and directly attack Iran and Lebanon when there is a war between Iran and Israel.
USA long back planned all these things. USA Ex-army general Wesely Clark said they want to destroy some countries and take power. And we are working on this from today. He also announced the country names which are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. These words recorded in 2007.
At the end of the day, we got to know that our world’s Geopolitical map is going to be changed as soon as possible due to these rivalry issues. Catch up with us to know furthermore details of the worldwide news and topics.
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