About Zudio marketing secrets and strategies as the GOAT.

Zudio is the most happening thing in the fashion brand of India. Most people are habituated to buying clothes from them due to their pricing. Every 4 out of 10 students prefer Zudio. Even in the most premium malls, we can buy the dresses at the cheapest rates compared with other shops in the mall.

How many of you know that Zudio is owned by Tata Group? Tata Group entered the fashion market in the year 1998 with Trent Fashion Limited. At first, they started westside which we can notice now also. But the brand is premium and the prices over there are costly.

In the early 20’s the name Zara shook the world of fashion with its unique designs and colors. Tata Group has brought Zara into their retail industry. With these two brands, tata made its mark in the fashion world.

But they have faced the issue of capturing the market. These two brands are premium and costly. Most of the people were not interested in it. Zara and Westside are only present in tier-1 cities.

In the year 2016, Trent launched another fashion brand Zudio. This has expanded and become famous in a short span.

Why Zudio is famous In India:

As I have mentioned Tata Group entered the fashion market long ago. But they haven’t succeded in capturing the large market. With their previous brands Zara and Westside. They have gained enough knowledge about the market. And gaps that they have missed with those brands.

Westside and Zara were premium brands that all people could not afford the clothes over there. Which created a gap in capturing all segment markets. While listening to their market strategy I have recalled a fact which I have seen.

In our childhood days, we know the Apsara pencil is somewhat more costly than the Nataraj. And also we used to decide whether the person using apsara is rich and the person with Nataraj is poor. But the company over two brands is rich. The fact besides this is two pencils are produced by a single company just to capture the market of cost pencils and cheap pencils.

The same strategy applies here. With the help of Westside and Zara, they have somewhat succeded in capturing the premium market and tier-1 cities. But they have not been into the middle-class people’s fashion.

Zudio is the evolution from this idea to grab middle-class people:

There are 3 different groups of people in the fashion market:
1- people who only prefer brands.

2-people who prefer quality.

3 People who only prefer value of money or cheap.

Zudio is especially designed for the type 2 and 3 people. where their pricing is reduced and offered to people. while coming to the quality. Zudiuo is just lagging in quality, but it is best in value for money.

Cheap is different from value for money. Cheap means a good quality product for the lowest price can be considered as cheap. Value for money means the quality that can be offered for the money given to it.

If the product is at 100 rupees the quality of the product will be also worth 100.

As zudio’s main target is type 2 and type 3 people and middle-class people. We can see stores are situated near colleges, hostels, and targeted places where middle-class people are present. Tier-2 cities are also equipped with Zudio stores where you cannot see another store in those cities. A t-shirt in zudio is 250.

Expansion of Zudio:

The company has expanded in a wide range of 558 stores across the country. This is because of the franchise business. The people who have money and a place can able to establish the store. But the whole store and the expenses of the store are managed by the company directly. It brings the quality of service and uniformity across all the stores in India.

Trent, the parent company of Zudio has their designers and manufacturers with a brilliant idea. They are updating themselves with the recent trends of the market and designing accordingly.

For every week 60% of the collection from a Zudio store is changed and for every two months, the store will be new. This means when you visit the store today and two months after this the collection across the store will be changed completely. Which is the best thing in the fashion market.

Why cheap:

Have you ever seen a celebrity promoting Zudio, or else any hoarding of Zudio? No will be the answer. They spend almost ₹0 on Ads. But they use social media influencers to promote locally. Ads cuts the major cost of marketing in some crores. Also, the company’s main idea is to deliver people’s outfits at an affordable range. Rather than making money.

Zudio is selling the collections with less margin, but they have selling more items which produces good profits. Making 5000 profit from 10 items is better than making them through 3 or 4 items. As Zudio sells in huge numbers they also get huge profits. This makes them to be cheap.

The quality of the product is compromised. For the money they have selling, we cannot expect high-quality material. This also makes prices go down and down.

Why Zudio famous:

Mouth publicity will be the main reason behind this. Most of the students and middle-class people are attracted to low prices. Most people trust their friends or family. When a person from the closest circle suggests the store, you get more attracted than celebrities or influencers.

The placement of the store is well-researched. You can see Zudio stores at places where people move more and middle-class people move. This makes their mind register about the brand. Whenever we think of buying clothes, we just recall zudio which we see daily.

We also have a local saree brand where we became famous just to be mouth publicity than any other marketing. Bharathiprints is the YT channel of our brand.

Most of the people are attracted to brands but they cannot afford it. Zudio replicates designs of famous brands in low quality and price, which attracts people more.

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